
Susan Zaro, LMFT, BCB provides customized Sport Psychology programs and services to individuals, families, coaches and sport organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her clientele include professional, collegiate, high school and athletes participating on a competitive/recreational level, including senior athletes.  Sport Psychology is the scientific study of the psychological and physiological factors associated with preparation, participation and performance in sport and physical activity. Sport Counseling focuses on helping athletes, families and coaches improve performance, deal with pressures of competition, learn leadership skills and address personal challenges both in sport and life. The inter-relationship between psychological and physiological process is dynamic and bi-directional. Emotion drives physiology, perception, confidence and energy levels.

Susan is a Licensed Marriage, Family Therapist and Board Certified in Biofeedback. She has Level II training in EMDR. Along with her counseling training she has  Level II Sport Science Certification from the U.S.T.A. and Sport Science Specialist Certification through the U.S.P.T.A. High Performance Competitive Player Development Program.  She is a U.S.P.T.A. Elite teaching professional, Member of APA Division  47: Society for Sport, Exercise & Performance Psychology, the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP).

Philosophy of Sport Counseling:

Athletes are not born with equal physical or mental talent, but through desire, passion, motivation and specific training each individual can move closer to his/her full potential. The sport arena is a wonderful environment which offers real-time feedback for self-actualizing development. Sports achievement is a combined wheel of balance. Athletes at any age who engage in competition at any level of ability want to win. The process of how the athlete and his/her support system attempt to achieve this can result in healthy development and well-being, stress and anxiety or something in between. Success, consistency, development and longevity in sport is a fluctuating balance of experience, mental, technical, strategic and physical training and sound nutritional habits.

Customized programs and services provide the athlete and athlete’s support system with goals/strategies which successfully promote the athlete’s evolving developmental stages, needs and competitive lifestyle.

Susan’s Psychology Today Profile Page